Comfort within Alignment 


Today’s episode is about the Comfort within Alignment: you’re not where you know you could be, making the money you want to be making, not because of marketing, strategy, the thing you don’t have…but because you’re comfortable and you may not even realize you are. 

Amy shares how she uses her alignment as her number 1 tool and her Authority to support her in any strategies she wants to be using.

Operating in this way takes massive courage.

It takes looking at your fears in the eye and deciding that your desire for growth is bigger.

It takes massive identity evolution.

It takes pivoting.

You may have gotten comfortable in your self-sabotage, looking outside of self instead of contemplating “how can I align?”

It’s not about “what is going to make you more money”

It’s not about what worked for someone else and replicating it.

When you’re ready to hold the standards, when you’re ready to allow yourself to be the person that you know you’re meant to be, when you’re ready to do your business in alignment - without the hustle - you will start deciding differently. It’s not “how do I become xyz…” - it’s “I decide”

Do you recognize who you have the potential to become and are you holding that identity?

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LAST SPOT for ELITE STANDARDS - Sexy, Rich & Aligned: The Mastermind, the space where every single area of your life gets to be this rich. Register here: 

MMHMMM - Doors Open TODAY!! Mani Gens and Generators, it’s time to re-lit your SACRAL! 

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