Your Alignment Starts Here…

…and your Human Design is the roadmap to get there.

What is Human Design?

We all wish we were born with user manuals... well, we are! Human Design is an ancient mixed modern-science system downloaded by Ra Uru Hu, which includes astrology, the I Ching, quantum physics, the Chakras and the Kabbalah.

Human Design shows us our energetic blueprint of how we’re meant to operate to our fullest potential, what we should be aware of and the tools to align with so we can become our most powerful, authentic self. Your own chart is COMPLETELY unique to you.


Start with your Energy Type

There are five main types, and each type has a special unique energy we all benefit from.

Manifestors are here to initiate and get things started, bringing new ideas and concepts to the world. They're designed to work and act independently. Manifestors make up 9 percent of the population. Nike’s “Just do it” is your slogan. 

Generators are the life force of the population who are designed to work and to love the work they do—their work (if aligned) lights them up and creates more energy for them. They need to ensure they are not doing something because they “should”, rather follow what’s fun and exciting for them. Generators make up 33 percent of the population. 

Manifesting Generators are similar to generators. They love to work! They have so many different passions and are the life of the party, bring all the vibes!  They are known for their ability to bring things to life quickly and efficiently. Manifesting generators make up 37 percent of the population.

Projectors are natural leaders and guides. They are not designed to do all the doing. They are designed to see deeply into others, see systems others don’t see, and create efficiency. They need to be seen, heard and recognized for what they do and their passion. They make up 20 percent of the population.

Reflectors are the most rare, at 1 percent of the population. They mirror back the energy around them. They are great facilitators and evaluators, able to offer a perspective that's unique and different, and are able to see the things that often go unnoticed. Their environment and community have a massive impact on their energy and being.

Don’t know your type? Click here to find out.

Meet our Human Design Readers

At Align by Design, we pride ourselves with having industry-leader Human Design Readers.

Both Ashley and Crystal have been trained & certified by Amy Elizabeth through the Align by Design Human Design Certification. We have a personal relationship and respect, and at Align by Design we have the utmost confidence in their knowledge, intuition, support and care they bring to their clients and the world.

Amy has watched and supported their growth and evolution in their own HD Alignment and their gifts as Human Design Readers. It’s a privilege to have both their unique, authentic voices and energies supporting the influx of individuals desiring to create and stand in their own individuality - or support their loved ones.

  • Crystal McIntyre

    Human Design Reader

    Crystal McIntyre is a multi-passionate 1/3 Emotional Manifesting Generator.

    She is absolutely obsessed with Human Design and has used it as the primary key to support hundreds of people in creating deeper levels of self trust and awareness. She believes through Human Design we can give ourselves permission to be the most authentic versions of ourselves. Her way with words allows Human Design to envelop you as you arrive at the doorstep of your own truth.

  • Ashley Wilhite

    Human Design Reader

    Ashley Wilhite is a 6/2 Splenic Projector who uses her intuitive gifts and depth of Human Design knowledge to guide people back to their true selves.

    Ashley was introduced to Human Design in 2018 and immediately felt seen, validated, and recognized upon learning what it means to be a Projector. Through experimenting with her Design, Ashley was able to recover from burnout, heal her money stories, and reclaim her personal power.

Ready to discover and embody your full power and potential?


Understand your Human Design for more impact, income and ease in business.